Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A letter to our Senators sent today re: $700B Bailout

This is the text of emails sent today to our US Senators and a version was also sent to our Representative.

"My spouse and I am opposed to the Federal bailout of Wall Street, HR3997 and the Senate version. I believe the plans are seriously flawed.

I have read the House version and first, I do not think taxpayer funds should be allocated for the purpose of purchasing the assets of “any” financial institution, and specifically “foreign authorities and central banks.”

Second, I do not think that funds should be used for the purpose of hiring firms to help manage the assets of companies the government basically nationalizes. This has the potential of providing federal funds to the firms that contributed to, profited from or participated in the failure.

Finally, I think the primary purpose of the plan should be to address the problems of the taxpayers who are being asked to pay for this plan. I do understand there is more than enough blame to go around, and that many people were stupid or at the very least ignorant, and possibly millions participated in some form of fraud. However, this is a reward to the people who promoted and profited from this situation.

We are homeowners who purchased below our means and are practicing a philosophy of living below our means. We are saving for our retirement and have invested in bank funds such as CDs and we also have 401(k), 403(b) and Roth-IRAs which we have used to invest in American companies. We are feeling the pain of the current financial situation and while I am “entitled” to retire with social security benefits, I am in fact working and paying taxes. Frankly, my financial future is in jeopardy.

We are registered voters and my spouse and I will be thinking long and hard about the forthcoming election and we will be voting our conscience in this matter. "

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