Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What will Saturday Night Live Do Now?

A friend gave me a link to a YouTube video in which V.P. candidate Palin received a bogus telephone call from some comedians impersonating French President Sarkozy.

The video is supposedly funny; however, it underscored my opinion that what Americans really want is entertainment, not solutions.

This prompted the realization that if Sen. Obama does win the presidency as the polls currently predict, that the comedians on SNL will have a significant problem. Fey and Poehler will have to go back to work. I understand the SNL ratings have been up about 35% since their parody of Palin and Clinton.

At least someone is profiting besides the politicians, the pollsters and the political entourage.

However, the 100's of millions spent on the election this year will be suspended and lots of ad men, writers and so on will have to find something else to do. Perhaps get a job in the manufacturing industry? Oh, that's right, I forgot, we don't do that anymore. Our economy is based on the service industries, such as political service, postal service, fast food, banking, finance, criminal activities, entertainment, etc.

On a very positive note, the congress will also have to get back to work. No more campaigning, as Obama has done for the last 21 months. I thought we, the citizens of Illinois elected him as one of our representatives in government. Seems I just don't get it. Our purpose as citizenry is to elect these people so they have a springboard to a political future with lifetime paid insurance, benefits, political connections, etc., forever.

As for the congress, they'll get back to work, all right, and probably pass a lot of resolutions, just as they have done for the past two years. Oh, that's right, they aren't there to represent us, the citizenry, they are there to further the party, feather their political nests and represent the fringes of society; the rich, the too poor to work, the stupid and so on.

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