Monday, November 17, 2008

Going Back to June 2004

Back in June 2004 I wrote this:

"I am certain that, given enough time, our brilliant political leaders will screw this up, just as they have all the other social engineering initiatives. (For example, Dick Daley was backpedaling the "Service Economy" at the National Design Engineering and Manufacturing Show, and gave a keynote rally about manufacturing in the USA. Unfortunately, all the exhibitors at the predominant "Southeast Asia", "China", and "Mexico" pavilions, could have cared less!).

"I will be given a permanent "vacation". I just hope I am able to salt enough away to live on while on my furlough and pay for my insurance and all the benefits I will not be entitled to while working during my golden years at Wal-mart. Who knows, the best is yet to come! An alternative from the "If you can’t lick them, join them" Department: become a politician. Just one term in Congress and I get retirement benefits for life, which can't be raided, as can the Social Security "tax" fund".

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