Monday, September 22, 2008

The Latest Political Blather

The presidential election is now less than 60 days away and I am inundated with political emails, much of which I put in the folder labelled "political foolishness". I get it, these people are really serious. Well meaning friends, associates and relatives send me stuff with the intention of “converting” or “saving” me or pointing out "the error of my ways", I suppose.

One of the triggers for this is the fact that I don't always or immediately fall in line with their respective political view. In one memorable dinner event, I was told that a specific politician was "my guy" because I didn't agree with the political statements made by that particular acquaintance. That's the way it is today. It's either all or nothing, you are either with me or against me.

Of course, it all simply falls into the way business is conducted by the two dominant political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. The game as I have always viewed it, is to drive the voter toward one of the two viable voting booths. Somewhat like a cattle drive. It is the goal of one side to get me to move in their direction. That is accomplished by driving me away from the other direction or the other party.

I am inundated with emails which are forwarded to me, with the sole purpose of showing me the error of my ways, how screwed up “so and so” is, etc. As a consequence, I should get really angry and vote for “the other candidate”. It is my perspective that the people who send me all of this stuff are well meaning but are also being used by one political party or the other. Of course, some of this is from PACs and the political parties and we know what their agenda is.

At present, I am getting substantially more from the Democrats and their minions, than from the Republicans. This is in part my own fault. Some years ago, I subscribed to an organization formed to move the country beyond the impeachment process of President Clinton and “heal the country”. Supposedly a non-partisan organization. The organization took the catchy name of “”. They have obviously sold or given my name to other political organizations and for that reason, I get more stuff than some of my friends, who are registered Democrats!

Let me say before proceeding, that I do not agree with and have never sent them a nickel. But I think part of being an informed citizen is to know what the two major political parties are up to and are sending to the “party faithful”. It is a kind of “know thy enemy” philosophy and I consider the party faithful to be the enemy for the simple reason that it is “party first” with these people. Blind, unquestioning allegiance to the party, or to the “ideal”.

Much of the email I receive is party generated and some is very, very political and is not verified or checked. Some of the emails are received from multiple sources after a time delay, somewhat like a stone tossed into a quiet pond. The ripples make it to the shore and then bounce back. It is unfortunate that the "forward" button on most email software is so easy to use.

Here is a sampling of the stuff I have received in the past few weeks, with some of the headlines of the text. Most of the stuff from the parties or political action committees includes a request for money. I have received duplicate emails from multiple sources. These duplicates are, for the most part, not shown here:

The people you know - Vote for Change: Register to vote now <> Think of all the people you know -- your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. What if every one of them voted on Election Day? - Jon Carson, []

THE TABOO SUBJECT. [The Story the Media are Afraid to Print--or Even Ask Questions About.] - McCain and the POW Cover-Up.

Palin Protest in Alaska (largest in Alaska history) - Paliin GET THE PUCK PUCK OUT OF DC......

Solving our financial crisis - The economy hit a new low this week, and in every part of the country, people like you are feeling it.

The recent financial disasters -- from the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the historic drop in the stock market -- are not just a string of bad luck. They are the result of years of bad decisions made in favor of big corporate special interests instead of America's working families. - Barack Obama []

Obama: Main Street before Wall Street - Turn on the TV and you'll be told that we're on the brink of imminent crisis and the only solution is for Congress to turn over vast power to the Bush administration and trust they'll use it wisely. Sound familiar? - Adam Green, Political Action []

Midnight deadline - This week, we saw the stark differences between Barack Obama and John McCain on the economy. With Wall Street in crisis and families struggling......- David Plouffe, []

New: Obama shirt - Peter Koechley, Political Action

QUESTION: Does Screwing the Public Go in the Family--?- A Report on George W. Bush's Brother, Neil Bush--(Source: Wikipedia)

Party for Obama in Glen Ellyn on Sunday! – Looking for a way to make sure the McCain-Palin sleaze-o-rama doesn't derail Barack Obama's historic candidacy?

Lies to Nowhere - The McCain campaign has finally admitted that this election is about change. - David Plouffe. - []

Obama + cake in Hanover Park- MoveOn for Obama Party - Adam Ruben, Political Action []

Why You and I Are in This Mess. (Read whole article, Please.) - Wall Street's Just Deserts By Harold Meyerson Thursday, September 18, 2008 - The Washington POST

Who is the Champion of the American Worker? - Review (abridged), The New York Review of Books; Sept. 25, 2008 - Time for a New Deal By Jeff Madrick

Obama's going to need some help - Elections matter. We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track. - Al Gore, Political Action []

The Republican platform - Yesterday, John McCain's campaign manager told the Washington Post, "This election is not about issues." - Howard Dean []

Video: How we're going to win - Want a look inside our strategy to win the battleground states? - I recorded a video on my laptop yesterday to brief you on the plan -- including details that haven't been shared publicly before. - David Plouffe, []

New Insights, Secrets of the White House and Implications for Your Next Vote for President. - BOOK REVIEW - "The War Within" by Bob Woodward

McCain Revealed - The Ugly New McCain By Richard Cohen -Washington POSTWednesday, September 17, 2008

WOMAN PLAYWRIGHT COMMENTS ON SARAH PALIN - [Eve Ensler, the American playwright, wrote the following about Sarah Palin.] - Drill, Drill, Drill

Karl Rove: McCain has gone 'too far' - John McCain is running the sleaziest and most negative presidential campaign we've ever seen -- his campaign is setting new lows with their lies and desperate personal attacks. - Howard Dean []

Karl Rove: McCain has gone "too far" - For weeks, John McCain has run one of the most dishonest campaigns in American history. Even Karl Rove had to admit McCain has gone too far.1 - Now it's time to strike back—to refocus voters on what we'll get if we elect McCain president. So today, we're launching a new ad that uses the facts to hit John McCain hard—reminding voters of his numerous ties to big oil companies and their lobbyists. - Noah T. Winer, Political Action []

Here She Goes Again, Ms Misinformation - Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska By Anne E. Kornblut - Washington Post Staff Writer -Friday, September 12, 2008

Help us plan for next week? - We can skip the clown. And the pony. But MoveOn is turning 10 years old next week, and there's no way we're skipping the party! - Adam Ruben, Political Action []

Forward this email - You'd be surprised how many people you know aren't registered to vote. - Barack Obama []

Disgusting - Here's the situation: John McCain and Sarah Palin are repeatedly deceiving, manipulating, and flat-out lying. And polls are showing that some of those lies are convincing voters. - Nita Chaudhary, Political Action []

Fed up? - Angry at John McCain and Sarah Palin? Frustrated with the media? Fed up with the absurd direction this campaign has taken? Don't sit and stew. Use that energy to put Obama over the top! - Adam Ruben, Political Action []

"Crusader" Governor Cheated Alaska in Personal Family Expenses--Newest Scandal About Sarah Palin - Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home Taxpayers Also Funded Family's Travel By James V. Grimaldi and Karl Vick Washington Post Staff WritersTuesday, September 9, 2008

Your Obama shirt - Last week, more than 90,000 MoveOn members chipped in more than a million dollars to launch our youth-registration program—and each got a cool Obama shirt in the process. - Peter Koechley, Political Action []

Your Opinion--Did G.O.P. Stifle Freedom of the Press? (See News Report Late Last Night below.) - MSNBC shake-up: Olbermann and Matthews no longer anchoring
Michael Calderone, YAHOO News Sunday, Sep 7, 2008 Midnight

Sarah Palin's List of Forbidden Books - Here is a list of books that "Little Miss Northern Lights" tried to have banned from the Wasilla Public Library, according to the officialminutes of the Library Board. When she was unsuccessful at having these books banned, she tried to have the librarian fired.

The Temper Tantrum Kid with Finger on Nuclear Trigger? - McCain's history of hot temper raises concerns. By David Lightman and Matt Stearns, McClatchy Newspapers Sunday Sep 7, 2008

The attacks - Why would the Republicans spend a whole night of their convention attacking ordinary people? - Barack Obama []

Sarah Palin – Did you watch Sarah Palin's speech last night? The speech told us a lot about her. It told us that she can distort the facts and deliver mean-spirited zingers with the best of them. It told us that if Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter ever need a stand-in, she'd be a great pick. - Nita Chaudhary, Political Action []

Help Gulf Coast residents and first responders - Today, the thoughts and prayers of all Americans are with those in the path of Hurricane Gustav -- and many of you are asking what you can do to help. - Barack Obama []

How McCain, Palin Lied at Convention. (Charges vs. Facts )

Will You Let the Republicans Put God in the White House? - Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God.' By GENE JOHNSON Associated Press Writer

Deadline: Tomorrow - Over the last week this race has been transformed. - Make a donation of $15 or more before midnight tomorrow, and you'll receive a first edition Obama-Biden car magnet. - Democratic Party []

Neighbor of Sarah Palin Speaks Her Mind about the VP Candidate. - A Wasilla resident writes about Sarah Palin (which has the ring of truth...) Posted on MSNBC on September 3, 2008 by Pat from Huntington, NY

John McCain has Fought Sex-Education, Contraception for 20 Years. - McCain fought money on teen pregnancy programs. By SHARON THEIMER, Associated Press Writer Tue Sep 2, 3:28 AM ET

Women and McCain--The True Story. Now that McCain has chosen a woman for his VP, you may think he favors women and their rights. -Wrong.- Here is McCain's history with women (all of it documented in news stories)—

What you just saw - wasn't planning on sending you something tonight. But if you saw what I saw from the Republican convention, you know that it demands a response.I saw John McCain's attack squad of negative, cynical politicians. They lied about Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and they attacked you for being a part of this campaign. - David Plouffe []

Video: Barack's speech - On Thursday night, August 28th, Barack Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. - Democratic Party []

Little-Known Connection of McCain with Neoconservatives, Lobbyists for Wars in Iraq, Georgia, and Elsewhere...

What I saw last night - The first time I ever heard Barack speak was at a community meeting on the South Side of Chicago. - More than two million supporters already own a piece of this extraordinary campaign. Will you join them by making your first donation right now? - Michelle Obama []

Tragic Flaw in the McCain's? (John, You Didn't Teach Him Economics, Did You?) -
McCain's Son Sat on Troubled Bank's Board - Silver State Bancorp Is Facing Big Losses, Regulatory Scrutiny - By DAMIAN PALETTA, DAVID ENRICH and ELIZABETH HOLMES - August 15, 2008; WALL STREET JOURNAL

Front row - When Barack takes the stage tonight, he'll look out at delegates from every corner of the country and tens of thousands of ordinary people who are here to be part of this historic moment. - On this final day before Barack formally accepts the Democratic nomination, please celebrate the moment and lay the foundation for our victory in November by making a donation of $5 or more now. - David Plouffe, []

50,000 Obama Shirts? - Since yesterday, 40,000 people have donated more than $550,000 to help register half a million young voters in the swing states that will decide the election. And they've each snagged a hip Obama T-shirt in the process. - Peter Koechley, Political Action []

Your Obama shirt - This week, we're spinning up a massive program to register half a million young voters in swing states. This is the year of the young voter, and we all need to do everything we can to make sure every last young person votes on Election Day. - Peter Koechley, Political Action []

Help Obama in Warrenville on Monday - "The change we need doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington. Change happens because the American people demand it—because they rise up and insist on new ideas and new leadership, a new politics for a new time. America, this is one of those moments."—Barack Obama in last night's acceptance speech - Adam Ruben, Political Action []

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